Blogs and Links for different Data Science Problems

Accident Prediction:

Precision over Recall in fraud detection

Understanding the problem in hand is ‘the’ most important thing in data science. You might know dozens of algorithm, thousands of libraries, tons of visualization tool, numerous feature engineering techniques or five different programming languages. But if you have not embraced the business objective like the primary class algebra, there is no point. You may… Continue reading Precision over Recall in fraud detection

Central Limit Theorem a Visual explanation with Python

Even though I completed by basic python classes before starting data science journey, I never thought of creating a visual representation for central limit theory (CLT) until recently. In this blog, I’ll be covering the following points Small explanation of CLT The central limit theorem is a fundamental concept in statistics that describes the behavior… Continue reading Central Limit Theorem a Visual explanation with Python

Mini-batch SGD

I used to have this confusion when I study a basic concept. I would understand it very well, but when I tried to recap it in my mind, there was always this gap I couldn’t fill. In this blog, I’ll try to explain the confusion I had while refreshing my memory of mini-batch SGD. If… Continue reading Mini-batch SGD